"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."
1 TIMOTHY 4:12
#YouCantDoLifeAlone, some come join YO_TH!
because we need U!
Sunday Night YTH 6-8 pm
Sunday Nights from 6-8 PM in the Ringgold Gathering Place. Located in the main building, downstairs.
Parents/driving students: drive around the building to the lower parking lot. (You will see tables with lights hanging around them.) Enter through the lower parking lot entrance, the Gathering Place is inside to the right.
YTH Pastors:
Jon and Crystal Tucker - scroll down on the main YTH page to meet our YTH Pastors and learn more about them!
Ringgold YTH is also lead by incredible YTH Leaders who help lead large group and small break out activities.
Current YTH Leaders are:
David and Elle Conley
Jeremy and Shelby Reed
Jordan and Emily Lowery
Steve and Amy Bailey
We are looking for and in need of more YTH volunteers! CLICK HERE
Students do a 45-minute devotional - this is broken down into watching a video, a large group discussion, and then small group discussions.
What is taught: We use the Student Curriculum from Grow. There are times in which we may branch off Grow to do something more in line with our Sunday morning sermon series... to learn more about what we use, you can see the curriculum HERE.
Why use Grow? Grow helps churches in the following areas:
Grow helps you focus on the things that produce long-term spiritual growth.
If we want to grow in depth, or in numbers, or in effectiveness, we need to think in long-term strategies, not short-term fixes. Grow helps us build our strategy in a world that is ever-changing.
Without specific systems in place, our strategies will never become a reality. Grow helps us build a system that works specifically for our students so we ensure spiritual growth.
Youth Ministry does NOT take place during church services. Statistic show that if students are not acclimated to church services before they graduate, they will graduate from church when they graduate high school.
We want to see students actively involved in church on Sunday mornings… worshipping, serving, and building relationships with other youth and even older mentors. Students should attend and serve during church services on Sunday mornings.
This is part of our youth discipleship process - students MUST be involved in “BIG” church.
We are encouraging every YTH Student to get involved with what we call: COME ONE - SERVE ONE. What does this mean? You attend a service of your choice (either 9am or 11am) with your parents, and then, serve during the service you don't attend. This is a great way to be connected to the church as a whole and to be the hands and feet of Jesus through service!!
We have multiple YTH Events throughout the year both ON and OFF campus. For YTH Events, Parents/Guardians must complete the Student Release Form - CLICK HERE.
Joy El is only 35 minutes away from Ringgold, shares the same core values, and teaches theological sound doctrine to students.
“Joy El seeks to provide opportunities for people to experience life-change through personal encounters with God.”
As of right now, we do not have a group of students that go together, but multiple students attend Joy El during the Summer.
To learn more and to register, CLICK HERE.
Meet the Tuckers
Welcome to the Ringgold YTH Ministry!
Meet Jon and Crystal Tucker, our incredible leaders who took on the lead position of the Ringgold YTH Ministry in 2024. The Tuckers have a deep passion for Youth Ministry, having served and led together for over 12 years.
Jon and Crystal are not just leaders; they’re some of the most genuine and fun people you’ll meet! With a child-like faith that shines brightly, they bring joy, excitement, and a love for life to everything they do. Whether you catch them in the church café, lobby, or at events with their kids, you’ll find them full of energy and enthusiasm.
Their mission is to see students on fire for Christ—not just believing but having a burning faith that inspires and motivates everyone they encounter. If you ever get the chance, stop by for a conversation or a cup of coffee with these amazing leaders. You’ll quickly discover the warmth and passion they bring to our ministry!
Our students are taught the same beliefs, mission, vision, and core values as the “Big Church.” Why? Because they are not separate from the church… they are part of our church. They are not the church of tomorrow… they are the church of today. We are instilling in them the same discipleship principles because we are ONE church, just different generations. We want to help them and see them make a difference for Christ.
Broken Lives Matter.
Broken Lives are Mended By Christ.
Broken Lives are Welcome Here.
To learn more about the beliefs, mission, vision and core values of Ringgold Church, click the button below.