Watch, read, or listen to the latest from Ringgold right on your phone. Download the Ringgold App, and create your unique profile today.
Sermon Notes
Always losing your notes? Now you can take your sermon notes on your phone. All notes are saved in the app!
Let us know you're here! With the new check-in feature, you can check into services and any ringgold special events!
In-App Giving
Always forgetting your checkbook? Our In-app giving lets you tithe or give a reoccurring or one-time gift online.
Get Connected
We believe you can't do life alone! Check out all the different LifeGroup and event opportunities we have available.
Sermon Podcast
Whether you’re working out, making dinner, or driving around town, you can listen to the latest sermons.
Prayer & Care
We are a praying church. Prayer matters! We want to pray with you and for you. Check out the Prayer & Care feature!