Ringgold Family,

We are moving into a new, BETTER normal as a church family. A lot has changed since covid hit in March of 2020. Instead of focusing on all we have lost, we look forward to how God will use this season for his glory. Our church has impacted lives like never before… rather than just being a church on a country hill in Maryland, we are now a physical and online church with global impact weekly. We have new attendees that watch regularly all over the world.

However, with screen fatigue and the new normals of life, we have noticed that many members have taken a vacation from church. Now, more than ever, the church needs to be bold and take a stand. We refuse to not meet, even if it means we have to be uncomfortable by practicing social distancing and wearing masks. We refuse to not worship together. Why? Because we do not live in fear and we believe you CAN’T DO LIFE ALONE. We are #BetterTogether. So we want to challenge to RETURN TO CHURCH. If you are not comfortable returning on campus yet, that is ok… but engage weekly with church online Sunday mornings at 9am and 11am. If you are comfortable returning to church, we highly encourage to join us weekly on campus at 9am and 11am. Kids church is even available during the 9am service!

To help us prep for this great return, please fill this form out once for each family member who will be serving or needs more information. If you are only indicating a service attending and not serving roles or other information, then only one form needs to be filled out for the family (for any family member).