Nehemiah - Rebuild

Overview: God is at work throughout the story, leading Nehemiah and giving him vision, a burden, wisdom and strategic leadership gifts. Through this God stirs the people afresh to not only see the dire situation they are in but to also do something about it. God hears and answers prayer, opens doors, makes provision and stirs his people.

The story starts at a time to rebuild and ends with a time to celebrate all that God has done through his people. As we once again are reminded of these lessons as a church may God find in all of us a people freshly stirred with a heart for him and his Word, willing to each play our part to rebuild in order to see him greatly honored and known by many.

NEHEMIAH - REbuild: difference makers

Message Videos will appear below at 7pm on Sunday evenings. To watch Ringgold Church Online at 9am or 11am on Sunday mornings, CLICK HERE. Don’t forget to engage with online hosts and other Church Online Members during the service!

Nehemiah - September 11: Why

Message Videos will appear below at 7pm on Sunday evenings. To watch Ringgold Church Online at 9am or 11am on Sunday mornings, CLICK HERE. Don’t forget to engage with online hosts and other Church Online Members during the service!

Nehemiah - Rebuild: Leading through Chaos

Message Videos will appear below at 7pm on Sunday evenings. To watch Ringgold Church Online at 9am or 11am on Sunday mornings, CLICK HERE. Don’t forget to engage with online hosts and other Church Online Members during the service!


Message Videos will appear below at 7pm on Sunday evenings. To watch Ringgold Church Online at 9am or 11am on Sunday mornings, CLICK HERE. Don’t forget to engage with online hosts and other Church Online Members during the service!


Message Videos will appear below at 7pm on Sunday evenings. To watch Ringgold Church Online at 9am or 11am on Sunday mornings, CLICK HERE. Don’t forget to engage with online hosts and other Church Online Members during the service!

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