Welcome to Ringgold Church Virtual Easter Egg Hunt



All you will need to do is click on the video link below and you will have access to the Virtual Easter egg hunt. Using your curser, you will find an undisclosed amount of eggs located in different spots around the different spaces at Ringgold Church.  There are three Adult Spaces (6th grade and up) and Three Children Spaces (5th grade and lower).  The Adult spaces include the foyer/cafe, worship center and the connection point/fireplace room.  The kid’s spaces include the Tree House large group area and hall, and the nursery on the first level and also the Club house large group area on the lower level.   Just click on the circle on the floor to move to a specific spot or just click in the direction you would like to move.  Don’t forget to look up, down and all around to find eggs.  You can also click through the menus in the lower left hand corner of the tour to jump to different areas.  Although this tour can be viewed using a mobile device, it’s best if viewed through a computer or tablet.  


All you will need is a pencil and a piece of paper to keep track of your spaces and the number of eggs in each space.  The Adult spaces include the foyer/cafe, worship center and the connection point/fireplace room.  The kid’s spaces include the Tree house large group area and hall, and the nursery on the first level and also the Club house large group area on the lower level. Then you can email your answers to info@ringgooldchurch.com.  Please include your name, address, email address, phone number and age.  


Be sure to submit your answers to info@ringgoldchurch.com with your name, address, email address, phone number and age.  The virtual hunt begins April 4th, Easter Sunday at noon and will continue until Wednesday April 7th @ 7pm to submit your answers.  Winners for two 50.00 gift cards for adults and 20.00 gift cards to Chick-Fil-A for the kids will be announced on Friday April 9 th @3 pm Via Facebook live at Ringgold Church Online Community.  So stay tuned to see if you're a winner.  

This link will go live on April 4th at 12:00 Noon.