** Graph results to be updated weekly, beginning November 2, 2020.
Dare to Care
At Ringgold, we believe SAVED PEOPLE SERVE PEOPLE. But… how do we live this out in the middle of a global pandemic? This fall at Ringgold, we want to start an initiative called “Dare To Care.” The goal is to outpace cases of COVID in Washington County, Maryland with acts of love. To date, October 12, 2020, there have been 1,927 confirmed cases. So, we have some ground to make up to outpace the confirmed cases here in our communities.
God is at work in all of this. He is making a way where there seems to be no way. He is the Way-Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, and Light in the Darkness. This is who our God is. The opposite of fear isn’t faith, it is love. Now is the time for the church to demonstrate to the world where we place our hope. It isn’t in our health, our money, our daily routine—it is in our God.
We know that so many students, parents, teachers, and administrators face challenges this Fall with distance learning. So, it is time for the church to step up and be the blessing to support students and their education. So, the challenge this Fall through the first of the year is to impact students, educators, and homeschool families in our communities with an act of service. Between now and the end of the year we want to — Dare to Care!
Here is how it works. Listed below are some important ACTS of service we can do that will make a difference.
Let’s take the word A-C-T-S to intentionally serve those in our community.
A — Administrators: Principals, vice principals, counselors, central office staff.
C — Caregivers: Childcare workers, moms, dads, grandparents, and those caring for kids.
T — Teachers: Teachers and para-educators providing creative instruction.
S — Students: Students who are adjusting to new normals
Here are some specifics ACTS of Service:
Send a small gift.
Babysit for a parent.
Create a school supply basket.
Specifically pray for someone.
Write an encouraging card or thank you card.
Make a meal.
Support Micah’s Backpack. (Weekly food for students for the weekend. Support a student for $30 per month.)
RACK (Random Acts of Christmas Kindness). Support a needy local child at Christmas with a generous financial gift that will provide Christmas Gifts for that child. Donate food for their families.
Create your own way to serve!
Have a question about Dare to Love? Email us at info@ringgoldchurch.com.