Week 9: March 2

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Synopsis of CORE 52 - Chapter 9: "Happiness"

In Chapter 9 of CORE 52, titled "Happiness," Mark Moore explores the biblical understanding of happiness, distinguishing it from the fleeting pleasures the world often associates with happiness. Moore challenges the reader to view happiness not as something based on external circumstances or temporary feelings but as something deeply rooted in a relationship with God. He emphasizes that true happiness comes from being aligned with God's will and living according to His design.

Moore highlights several key biblical passages, especially the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12, where Jesus outlines the characteristics of those who are truly blessed. These blessings are not based on material wealth or success but on spiritual qualities like humility, mourning over sin, meekness, thirst for righteousness, mercy, purity, and peacemaking. These qualities reflect the inner peace and joy that come from living in harmony with God’s will.

The chapter also challenges readers to rethink how they pursue happiness. Rather than seeking it in worldly accomplishments or possessions, Moore encourages believers to find joy and fulfillment in their relationship with God and in living a life of purpose, service, and faithfulness. True happiness, as Moore explains, comes from a life that reflects God's love, purpose, and kingdom.


  • Reflect on your own pursuit of happiness. How often do you seek happiness in external circumstances like success, wealth, or pleasure? Consider how you can find deeper fulfillment by aligning your life more closely with God's will.

  • Think about how the Beatitudes and biblical principles of happiness challenge your understanding of what it means to be truly blessed. How can you cultivate these qualities in your own life?

Five Daily Spiritual Challenges:

Day 1: Rethink Happiness Spend time today reflecting on your current understanding of happiness. Where do you typically seek happiness in your life? Consider how your pursuit of happiness could be reoriented to focus more on aligning your life with God's will and purpose for you.

Day 2: Embrace Humility Jesus says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit" (Matthew 5:3), emphasizing the importance of humility. Today, reflect on your attitude toward others and your own sense of self-importance. Practice humility in your interactions, recognizing your dependence on God for all things.

Day 3: Mourn for Righteousness Jesus also says, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4). Take time today to reflect on the areas in your life where you need to repent or change. Mourn the sin and brokenness in your life and ask God for healing and restoration.

Day 4: Pursue Righteousness Jesus says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" (Matthew 5:6). Today, take active steps toward pursuing righteousness—whether through prayer, reading Scripture, serving others, or making a decision to live in a way that honors God. Ask God to strengthen your desire for holiness.

Day 5: Live as a Peacemaker Reflect on Jesus’ blessing for peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). How can you be a peacemaker in your relationships, at work, or in your community? Look for opportunities to bring peace and reconciliation in places where there is conflict.

Daily Thought-Provoking Questions:

Day 1: What does happiness mean to you? How does the pursuit of external things like success, wealth, or pleasure compare to the biblical concept of happiness? In what ways can you realign your pursuit of happiness with God’s purpose for your life?

Day 2: How do you practice humility in your daily life? In what ways can you embody the "poverty of spirit" that Jesus describes as a key to happiness?

Day 3: What areas of your life require mourning or repentance? How can you allow God to bring healing to those areas, and how does this mourning lead to true comfort and joy?

Day 4: How do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? In what ways can you cultivate a deeper longing for God’s righteousness and live in alignment with His will for your life?

Day 5: What does it mean to be a peacemaker in your relationships? How can you actively pursue peace in situations where there is conflict or division, and how does this reflect God’s kingdom?

Chapter 9 of CORE 52 invites readers to rethink the concept of happiness, shifting from a worldly understanding to a deeper, biblical perspective rooted in God’s kingdom and will. It challenges readers to pursue true happiness through spiritual growth, humility, righteousness, and peacemaking—qualities that reflect the inner joy and fulfillment found in a relationship with God.


Week 10: March 9


Week 8: February 23