Week 6: February 9
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Synopsis of CORE 52 - Chapter 6: "Jesus and Moses"
In Chapter 6 of CORE 52, titled "Jesus and Moses," Mark Moore draws a parallel between the lives and ministries of Moses and Jesus, showing how Moses, the great leader and prophet of Israel, foreshadows the work of Jesus Christ. Both Moses and Jesus were sent by God to deliver God's people, but their roles and missions are fulfilled in profoundly different ways. Moore explores how Moses led Israel out of slavery in Egypt, delivering the law and establishing the covenant, while Jesus came to fulfill the law and provide a way for humanity to be redeemed from the slavery of sin.
Moore emphasizes the similarities between Moses and Jesus, such as their miraculous births, their time of temptation in the wilderness, and their roles as mediators of God's covenant. Yet, he also highlights how Jesus surpasses Moses in every way, being the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises. Moses led the people to the physical Promised Land, but Jesus leads believers to the eternal Promised Land—salvation and eternal life with God.
This chapter helps readers understand that Moses' story serves as a type or shadow pointing forward to the greater work of Jesus. The chapter invites readers to reflect on how Jesus is the fulfillment of God's plan and how His life, death, and resurrection bring a new and better covenant.
Reflect on the way Jesus fulfills what Moses initiated. While Moses brought the law, Jesus brings grace and truth, offering salvation through faith. Consider how this new covenant impacts your relationship with God.
Think about the ways Jesus leads you to freedom, just as Moses led Israel out of Egypt. How can you more fully embrace the freedom that Jesus offers?
Five Daily Spiritual Challenges:
Day 1: Reflect on God’s Deliverance Take time today to reflect on how both Moses and Jesus were sent by God to deliver His people. Consider the ways in which God has delivered you personally—spiritually, emotionally, or physically. Thank God for His deliverance and for the ultimate freedom found in Christ.
Day 2: Meditate on Jesus as the Greater Moses Today, spend time thinking about how Jesus fulfills what Moses began. While Moses was a servant of God, Jesus is the Son of God. Reflect on the superiority of Jesus' mission and how it completes God’s plan for salvation.
Day 3: Acknowledge the Law and Grace Reflect on the role of the law in the Old Testament and how it points to the need for a Savior. Recognize that while the law reveals God’s standards, it is Jesus who offers grace and forgiveness. Thank God for the grace that frees you from the law’s condemnation.
Day 4: Embrace Jesus as Your Mediator Reflect on the fact that Jesus is your mediator between God and humanity, just as Moses mediated for the people of Israel. Spend time today acknowledging Jesus’ role as your High Priest who intercedes on your behalf before God.
Day 5: Share the Message of Deliverance Consider how you can share the story of deliverance through Jesus with others. Whether through a conversation, a prayer, or a simple gesture of kindness, look for an opportunity today to point someone to the freedom found in Jesus Christ.
Daily Thought-Provoking Questions:
Day 1: In what areas of your life have you experienced deliverance from God, similar to how Moses delivered the Israelites from Egypt? How can you thank God for these moments of freedom and transformation?
Day 2: How does knowing that Jesus is the greater Moses shape your understanding of the gospel? In what ways does Jesus fulfill and surpass the law and the promises of the Old Testament?
Day 3: How does the law highlight your need for grace? How can you live in the freedom that comes from Jesus’ grace rather than being burdened by trying to meet the law’s requirements?
Day 4: How does it impact your faith to know that Jesus is your mediator with God? How can you approach God with more confidence, knowing that Jesus intercedes on your behalf?
Day 5: Who in your life needs to hear the message of Jesus' deliverance? How can you share His story in a way that points others to the freedom and salvation He offers?
Chapter 6 of CORE 52 challenges readers to see Jesus as the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan, drawing on the life and ministry of Moses. It encourages us to reflect on how Jesus offers the ultimate deliverance, freedom, and grace, surpassing the law and establishing a new covenant of salvation. Through this chapter, readers are invited to deepen their understanding of Jesus’ role as the greater Moses and the perfect mediator between God and humanity.