These are two of our main core values that we strive to put into practice during the weekend services and into action during the week with everyone else that we come into contact with — being a reflection of Christ to all. Attending church is like being an athlete working hard on the practice field; everything we put into play here impacts how well we do in the “big game” (the “big game” being your personal Christian influence outside of the church).
For this reason, we promote COME ONE - SERVE ONE. Come and fully engage in one service, then serve and fully engage in another. There are four reasons why we promote that:
It creates a better experience for the guest. If there’s one thing that our guests’ arrival time has in common, it is that there’s nothing in common. We have people who show up 20 minutes early, people who drag in 20 minutes late, and people who will get to church right on time. Having a fully-functioning team for an entire service allows us to greet guests regardless of when they drop in.
It allows a better experience for our team members (volunteers). Team members who have asked to serve and attend the same service is a disjointed team member. They are never sure when the cutoff time is where they can go into the worship service. They’re always “on call” throughout the service. They always feel like they’re missing something in the service. And they are never…never…able to balance that schedule in a way that works for them, or for the demands of their role. The truth is, EVERY part of a worship service is crucial for spiritual development, not one part is more important than another. It is important for members to be able to attend an entire worship service uninterrupted.
It creates space for a stronger team. We obviously don’t need a 100% staffed team for 100% of the service time. That’s why 20-30 minutes into the service we scale back to a skeleton crew. Roughly 20% of our team will stay in place to cover the necessary bases, and the rest of the team will retreat to hang out at the Go Cafe, join Connect Groups, or just hang out. It’s a brief oasis from a busy morning that allows relationships to foster…something that can’t always happen when you attend and serve the same service.
It’s shaping the future of the church. If you didn’t already know, the Youth Ministry of the Church does not meet on Sunday mornings. Why? Because we want them own Sunday mornings. This is a great way for our church to be multi-generational each week — each generation speaking life and truth into each other. Too many students graduate high school, and sadly also graduate church. We want to end that culture. We want to raise a generation that thrives on Christian community and growing their faith. Therefore, we encourage every YTH Student and their parents to get involved with COME ONE - SERVE ONE.
To learn more about how to serve as a Ringgold Team Member (volunteer in a specific ministry), click the NEXT STEP button below to learn more about what it means to serve at Ringgold how to sign up.
Come One - Serve One Model
This is a great church model that we have adapted from Summit Church for the ministry means of our church. At Ringgold, we use a “do simple better” mindset as we lead LifeGroups, worship, sermons, and church events. Ringgold uses a variety of church resources
that are available for church usage. As a leadership team, we believe The Church is meant to work together for the Kingdom of God - WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER. We are thankful for churches like Summit, who share great models like this one for us to get ideas, grow, and adapt from!